Do you ever do something that requires you to have a 'let's be real here for a second' moment with yourself? And then when your feeble attempt at self parenting totally fails you just start having a lot of questions about your potential for success as like, a functioning member of society?
Like, when it's 2.00 in the morning and you totally have to be awake for work in not-a-whole lot of hours, and you should be at least trying to sleep, but instead you're sitting in bed smoking cloves and listening to some weird mix of like, Babyface and Stevie Wonder and Tori Amos that you made in 1996? And then you're like "What the fuck are you doing man?" But, rather than your self-check resulting in an actual change in your behavior, you just CONTINUE whatever the fuck meaningless shit you're doing, because damn, you put SWV on this mix, too?!?
No? This doesn't happen to you?
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