I am the weirdest Liz Phair fan. At least, I feel like I am. I don't know - it just seems like there are only two camps on this one, and I don't want to hang out at either one of them. The first camp made up of the people for whom Exile in Guyville represents the pinnacle of creative musical innovation, and the second camp: those who got turned on by - and listen to exclusively to - her latest stuff. I can get down with the campers in the first group, we seem to enjoy the same stuff, but they're a little too...like, intense for me, man. They're camping professionally. I just don't have that kind of drive. And since I don't particularly enjoy light FM radio, Dr. Phil, or Hollister-inspired wardrobes, I obviouly can't mix with the campers in the second group.
I just like WhiteChocolateSpaceEgg the best. It came along exactly when I needed to hear something girly and weird and sort of badass all at the same time. So it's my favorite. I really, really fucking love it. And I have no one to hang out with.
I don't know. It's just frustrating somethimes.
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