The Most Awesome Search Terms Used in Finding My Sporadically Updated, Cabernet-Soaked Blog:
I hope you all found what you were looking for, eventually. These are in a semi-particular order.
'Sex Mimosas and Donkey Com'
I don't know what Donkey expectorate they misspelled, and I don't want to. Okay, I know. We all know. I think this combination is known in some circles as a Tijuana Brunch. Even if they were talking about video games. Tijuana's crazy.
'Labeled Diagram of Mimosa Fruit'
So...maybe just Google 'Orange'? Sometimes a classy joint will impale a strawberry on the side of the glass. I don't know, it usually involves Cook's or Andre. You need a diagram?
'Bonectomy on Toe'
Wha? Does that mean taking the bone out of your toe? So you'd just have like, a squashy skin-grape at the end of your foot? Why would you search for something this grave and then click on a blog? I am so embarrassed that I've used the word 'bonectomy' on the internet.
'2011 NCAA Tournament Results'
How deeply did you Google these results that you ended up at this post on my (Never) Award Winning NCAA pool strategy? (Fucking TRY IT. It's fun. And you will have so many weird conversations with dudes in bars on this. People have OPINIONS about which imaginary creatures would win in a fight.)
(Sidebar: Why does Everclear have a Greatest Hits album? Can you name three Everclear songs? If you said yes, just - get out of here. Or go wait in the corner over there until we're through. Seriously, that's awful.)
'Lynn Dorms'
There are dorms in Lynn? Are there even enough high school graduates in Lynn to populate a dorm? Ohhh! Just kidding. One of my grandmothers was from Brockton. I can't say shit. I might have even just made up that stereotype about Lynn. But...I don't think I did.
'Tom Tancock'
Yes! I will happily glorify any reference to the 2008 Olympics. Controversies aside, those Olympics were the shit.
'Angry Rocket Play Therapy'
This is probably a better band name than Rocketship of Intelligence, but I feel like it's totally not the sound we were going for.
You're damn right.
'Bingo's Dream Dorm'
When the shit did I write about dorms this much? (Oh wait. The Meadow Soprano time.) More importantly - what is Bongo's Dream Dorm like?!?! I hope you found it, searching friend. Sounds like it could be a weird time.
'Follow the Drinking Gourd Fake'
BLASPHEMY. Go sit in the corner with the guy who knows all the Everclear songs!
'Tom Bergeron Eats Chips'
Who searched for this and DO YOU WANT TO GET MARRIED?
(Yeah, I still have a Tom Bergeron thing.)
'Yinka Shonibare Child Obsessive Alien'
I don't know what the shit this is about, but holy band name. My lord. (Originally, this one was ALL IN CAPS but I felt like I needed to calm down. I have to go to bed soon. Seriously, though, this is awesome. But I'm never searching for it on my own. I don't want to know.)
* I don't know what the hell this picture is about. I searched for 'best search terms ever'. Google Image is my favorite.
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