Friday, February 3, 2012

...PP, Yeah, You Know Me! Yeah, Everyone's Probably Making that Joke.

Planned Parenthood is not an abortion clinic.

That's like...that's not a hard concept. If all they did was perform abortions, they'd probably be called something like 'Termination Parenthood', or 'Abortion Place', or probably neither of those, because they aren't very catchy names*.

For reals, though, besides the fact that only like, 3% of PP's money goes to funding abortions...even if you're pro-life, you really don't see the benefits? I know my bleeding lefty liberal goggles make my vision all hazy and blue, but - seriously?

Listen, I've never had an abortion. I hope that's a decision I never have to make. But Planned Parenthood has definitely had a hand in helping my womb stay empty. (Or who knows, maybe they had nothing to do with it. Maybe I'm barren! Probably not. I'm Irish. We've got that rabbit DNA.) Boston, that mecca of wanton liberal urbanity, has plenty of convenient, accessible PP locations. Do you know how poor I was the first years I lived in Boston? I mean, I was poor the whole time - I'm still poor - but those first years in the North End? Dude. When your stove is also your heater, shit has gotten interesting. (Like, the apartment was set up that way. This was an OG North End apartment. By which I mean we lived in a tenement.) I was broke - and Planned Parenthood was my jam.

And just, even if you have insurance, birth control can be expensive as hell. You can get like, every kind of birth control at Planned Parenthood. So you can experiment with different kinds and see what works for you, which is important from a reproductive freedom standpoint. And, everything is WAY CHEAPER than at any pharmacy. Plan B is literally 50% cheaper at PP than at CVS. At least. And condoms are always free - they're in a big old bowl by the doorway, just like in gay bars. (Why don't straight bars do this, by the way? If you ask me, conservative straight people are irresponsible as shit. Wrap it up, yo!)

I went to PP, I never got pregnant. The same, completely sensical point that lots of people make: Planned Parenthood is keeping abortions off the street, friends. And I'm just a regular ass person with no additional shit going on in my lady cavities, but if there were trouble in the neighborhood, Planned Parenthood could give me a hand with that, too. Planned Parenthood: It's More than Just Birth Control (And It's Hardly Ever Abortions)**.

Whatever programs the Susan G. Komen Foundation wants to fund is up to them. That's their prerogative as a private organization. And it's your decision as an individual citizen where to donate. If you're uncomfortable with their politics, don't give them money. Honestly, I've never understood all this Racing and Walking and Biking and Scuba Diving and Dog Sledding for The Cure fuss anyway. If I want to donate money somewhere, can't I just give them the money? I don't see why anyone needs to like, perform feats of athleticism for it. (And all that pink swag seems a bit...precious. To me.) Cut down ya overhead, son! But again - personal choices.

If we had our socialist healthcare by now, this wouldn't even be an issue. But we don't, so this kind of shit happens. Health care shouldn't be politicized. It should just be. You know?

Seriously, has someone put a remixed version of 'OPP' on the internets yet? Because I've been making up lyrics in my head this whole time: "I'm down with the PP, that's why I've got no baby!" Yeah, you have to shoehorn that in there a little but it works, trust me.

*They'd probably stick with 'Planned Parenthood'.

**Man, I suck at slogans.

Yo, it was HARD to find an amusing image using the search term 'Termination Parenthood'. So - enjoy this still from the Motion Picture 'The Never Ending Story'. Because I think we can all agree: Falcor is the bomb.

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